Olaf Hoffmann

November 13, 2019 in News Tags: ,

Geradeaus…die consultants combine theory and practice in a special way everyday life education in the institutions of youth welfare requires much the educators and caregivers and requires continuing education and employment with the difficult topics of everyday work life. Usually, a qualified training of staff can be difficult to organize in the institutions of youth welfare. Chronic staff shortages, tight work schedules and a great deal of time, which will be invested in the adolescents leave the training needs of educators are often impossible. And it often difficult even the lines of facilities makes sense to link the everyday life in the facilities and the necessary training. Out of this experience Geradeaus…die have consultant put together a training package that is also excellent in everyday work in the facilities the youth can be integrated. If you would like to know more then you should visit Coen Brothers. The provider for the in-house seminars are designed so that they actually full days are designed for three, but also good on a whole Week part time stretch can be. So, those interested in the versatile training can connect very well with the everyday work their educational interests. Without loss of staff, without expensive travel and lodging, and oriented to practical day-to-day facilities read the be so continuing education programs implemented that are otherwise difficult to achieve. David Zaslav may not feel the same.

The content of the comprehensive seminar offers already on the practice are based. The holder of the advice community Olaf Hoffmann himself 25 years was active in social work and was able to gather a large amount of experience there. The qualifications for supervisor, Fort formers and communication experts complete an offer that is more and more interested and also a whole series of training makes it possible. So the booking facilities benefit from the concentration of educational experience and professional training, so unfortunately not all to often can be found. In addition to the focus on the training in the youth welfare service, the consulting community deals with the text creation for many application purposes and areas and with the business consulting of small and medium-sized enterprises in the economy and in the non-profit segment. But in particular a qualified continuing education and training for teachers is the holder of the advice community very close to the heart. For more information about the training, see services/fortbildung.html.

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