Finally, Our New Products Are Online!

August 31, 2017 in News Tags: ,

For months has been made on the sides and filed, now we can offer ‘Plus’ and ‘ Premium Plus’ present. Where to get good quality addresses for a reasonable price? A question that regularly confront direct and dialog marketing managers, when they are planning their actions for the prospective customer acquisition or acquisition of new customers. Ad hoc data GmbH of known editor of a business addresses CD and online database with nearly 4 million companies in 4,250 industries, repeatedly has ideas for new products. Plus we would like to inform you now about the AdHoc premium; A new product for the German market. AdHoc Premium Plus is an address database, which is available only as an online application available. It contains addresses of German companies, authorities and non-profit organisations”. The demand for high-quality business address lists, as well as addresses of authorities and non-profit organisations grow increasingly.

To satisfy this need, ad hoc data has in addition to the (Over 4 million), a database with 800,000 addresses of authorities and non-profit organisations submitted addresses. Belonging: federal countries, ministries, police, municipalities, fire, healthcare, education, foundations and clubs, associations, services, interest groups, social welfare, research, churches / religious communities, culture, etc. With the address Bank of ad hoc data, you can select on the basis of various criteria, E.g. industry, State, postal code, location, addresses. Export the address data, you can almost without restriction, in the csv format (comma seperated values). Plus, you purchase a subscription to ad hoc premium for only 499,–(plus VAT) per year.

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