Ellssworth Huntington
May 20, 2019 in News Tags: geography
Introduction the present work aims at to bring aluso or panoramic generality in relation to the life and workmanship of the gegrafo humanist Ellssworth Huntington. Geography already covered a long one walked and with many contours, described since the attempts of wanting to know the world with bigger prominence to the Greek untiring thinkers. From there geography had abismal advance (esste is one another one to sing), in the Huntington concrete appears at a very crucial time, on the other hand, but with the knowledge of the very advanced technique, on the other hand. This biography brings a x-ray of what it was Huntington and its cntribuio in the evolution of the geographic knowledge, as much in America how much in the world in general. CBS has similar goals. Some authors and ‘ exist; ‘ constructors/edificadores’ ‘ of geographic sciences, but that not yet they are known nor its importance in this area. Huntington does not run away from this realidae, almost few knows its contribution in geographic sciences in particular. Huntington played a relief space in the development of ambient sciences the world-wide level.
It was with persistence and severity that it obtained to make its trips in Asia and America. (Similarly see: Coen Brothers). Note: The translation of the texts in this work cited is of our entire responsabilidadede, therefore the exiguidade of the sources condemned us to use it sources in foreign language (English). General Objectivos To describe the life and workmanship of Ellssworth Huntington. Specific To show to the Passage and the importance of the trips for the World; To present the contribution of Huntington in the evolution of the geographic thought. Methodology the work was structuralized in distinct phases in the direction to present it with good aesthetic.. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Paul Ostling.