The Seeds Of The Globalization
May 23, 2021 in News Tags: economy
The seeds of the globalization all Are common to find that the beginning of the known and present globalization started in years 50 with the explosion of the prosperity after-second war, the advent of computer science in commercial scale and the technological advances of the telecommunications. Made a mistake. The globalization is previous to this. We go to relembrar some marcantes facts that justify our assertive one. When in the decade of 60 the concept appeared of ' ' Global' village; ' , term brother-in-law for Canadian sociologist Herbert Marshall McLuhan, in fact it was correct.
It came studying since the decade of 20 the technological advances of the information, communication and transport and the social transformations of decurrent them. At this moment the globalization can have entered in frank process of acceleration and evolution with all the praised and observed changes, but the phenomenon of the Globalization was previous the decade of 50 or 60. The globalization is for definition one of the processes of deepening of the economic, social, cultural integration and politics in the world. Then the intercommunication of the pairs and actors of the globalization is primordial so that this if consolidates. The concepts of border and the wars of the past had hindered or been always profits for the development of the globalization.
We can conclude then that the end of the cold war was, without a doubt, one of the main factors boosters. We can attribute to the distenso of the climate politician of the cold war to the commercial use and in bigger scale of the Internet. The Internet was the definitive tool in the consolidation of this process. The Internet appeared as military weapon that served the cold war, its commercial use, initiate in years 60 with the apex in the decade of 90 coincides with the cooling of the tensions between the Ussr and U.S.A.