Start Out In Times Of Crisis – The Real Estate Master TU Vienna
April 18, 2019 in News Tags: education & career, vocational
The real estate courses offered by the Technical University of Vienna celebrate its 20th anniversary opening of the 7 round of the postgraduate master’s programme ‘Real estate management and valuation’ on February 10th, 2009 this year. The post-graduate master program in real estate management and valuation is offered since 1999, and this year already for the seventh time. This was inaugurated on February 10, 2009, with a welcome reception. Like. Markus Reithofer, MSc MRICS, himself graduated from the 2003-2005 of the course, pass first described his experiences with the course in his opening statement. Addressed to the current financial crisis, he pointed out making even in this context the need for a solid training for those in the real estate business; also through the accreditation to the Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors’ (RICS) will the TU Vienna best meet this requirement. Prof.
Dr. Bob Martens, FRICS, welcomed the 30 participants from the group filled to the last seat in the connection 2009-2011 and was together with program manager DI John Bockstefl personally before. The welcome reception sounded off with personal discussions between the ProgrammteilnehmerInnen, present speakers and of course management at the buffet. For more information about this MSc program, see Facts conclusion: “master of Science (MSc real estate investment and valuation)” the TU Vienna qualification with the positive completion of the course the certificate of aptitude for the exercise of the real estate trust business is connected, this may be exercised upon completion of the corresponding relevant practice. RICS membership of course is RICS accredited and allows the membership in the international bestrenommierten “Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors ‘ German language of instruction course duration: 4 semesters, part-time course management: AO. Univ.