Ramon Gallegos Nava

September 6, 2019 in News

Educational whose nature is the evolution of consciousness that moves from the particular to the universal. It is very important to mention that we must integrate the education with the evolution of consciousness Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava in the mastery of education holistic teaches us a new model multilevel – multidimension which is the integrate all levels of knowledge such as science, spirituality, traditions, creativity, spirituality, creating a culture of wisdom, overcoming the fragmentation of knowledgewith awakening the consciousness, to form a whole. When one is aware of the universe in which we live, we realize realize that we are living in a natural world, we must take care of plants, animals, all being live, thanks to the bad treatment he has received our world, there is now a major problem of pollution in water, air, soil and atmosphere, where there are earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, climate changes, there is a total lack of control in our nature. One of the great achievements we do as educators holistas is to carry out a comprehensive solution for a better sustainable development, so that we as a society have a world of life more complete. That meaning has holistic education: find the path between the ancient and the modern, between the rational instruments and the world of life. Search for the third way.

Get to know us more to decrease our ego, become more simple, humble, where our spirituality reborn, becoming responsible beings, taking care in welfare of other beings, have an interest in serving and helping, good dialogue. . Find a transformation social, quiet, achieving a new vision for a sustainable society in the world. . Learn about the perennial philosophy gives us the hope that we can achieve change on the basis of universal love. Now we need a new vision of the world, a comprehensive vision, to form a new awareness that transcends, universal love, peace, sustainable development, learning communities, better dialogue etc.

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