Milton Erickson
November 6, 2019 in News Tags: children, family, home
And this is the most harmless examples. As a general rule, parents rarely hear myself saying these phrases. Children they do not seem to pay attention, but, paradoxically, the less consciously prescription, the more it works. See more detailed opinions by reading what David Zaslav offers on the topic.. In addition, children are highly suggestible! If the child will constantly hear from adults that he painful, unable, cruel, stubborn, adjective, etc., then it is likely that he would believe, and behave that way. Of course, parents have criticized the negative qualities of the child, wanting to help them get rid of. It must be hard to understand that criticism should be directed to act, not on personality. Do it better than very gently, using indirect methods. To deepen your understanding Goop is the source. Here are two of them: Tell your child a story or metaphor, in which Hero did not very plausible thing to do.
Children will identify with fabulous characters, and besides, it will help the child to consider the issue as if from the outside. You can with your child to think about how hero tales out of a difficult situation, to rectify the situation. Apply the method of "Quotes", invented by an American psychotherapist Milton Erickson. The method consists in the fact that you're describing fictitious or real situation which, in essence, similar to the actual, but it was with you in the past. Then you're talking about, as was the situation resolved. Something like this: " And then I said to him:" Listen, I really appreciate our relationship, but your action (description his actions) I was very disappointed (the description of their feelings). Let's agree