Essen Andreas
May 17, 2024 in News Tags: education & career, vocational
Apontas-CEO Andreas panel turns Sumte choice in October 2012 Andreas Board, CEO of call manager of Apontas with its headquarters in the District of Luneburg, is an official candidate for the election to which a total 72 seats of the IHK General Assembly 2013 until 2018 Board promotes itself in advance for a brisk turnout and would like to further improve the KOMmunikation between the various companies in the District of Luneburg-Wolfsburg during his volunteer work and deepen. Chamber of Commerce President Eberhard Manzke gemeinhin also as Parliament verzeichnet the record of 204 applications for the supreme body of the Chamber of Commerce, economy is known. BeGinNing OKtober all registered voters in the region receive their StimmzetTel. According to the Chamber of industry and Commerce Luneburg wolfsBurg, approximately 60,000 companies are called upon to cast their votes by absentee ballot from October 5 to 19 this year. Apontas-CEO Andreas Panel sees itself in the task, the fortunes of the IHK-Vollversammlung in the sense of a responsible and sustainable To expand self-government of local Gewerbetreibenden. Further details can be found at CBS, an internet resource. His function as CEO of the company’s nationwide active Apontas the call manager’ doing excellently in the structure the IHK blends, because here and there is taught across all industries. To know more about this subject visit Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. The Apontas Academy as a Training Institute underscores the constant Bemuhen to make available the latest knowledge in the range of claims management companies.
Andreas Board justified his candidacy: “it is my concern, to einzutreten for the further development of the region, its businesses and people. I look forward, active MITzugestalten the future of the region, to involve myself with innovative, creative ideas, and give new impetus for the region.” More information under: about Apontas debt collection company there many, experienced Komplettloser for Receivables Management but only a few. Apontas is most certainly included. Since 1971, we make sure that is our customers on their core business focus. The rest’, so the care of their demands, we assume. And from one source – from the invoice up to the foreclosure. Catalogers, public transportation and utilities as well as banks, savings banks, insurance companies, publishers or telecommunications companies take advantage of our comprehensive offer.
Six supporting pillars a strong bridge. Offer our customers not only tailored, customized solutions, we accompany you with comprehensive services. On request, intelligent advice belongs Academy by Apontas consulting as well as a comprehensive training and education in the Apontas. Since 1991, the Academy of the premium partner for continuing education and training in the field of Receivables Management with focus on issues such as enforcement, telephone debt collection and bankruptcy law.