Education Learning
September 30, 2014 in News Tags: art and science
The Importance of the Bilingismo as Facilitador of the Process of Education Learning in the Lessons of Mathematics Jarleide Almeida Feitosa Emiliana Nunes Da Silva Paula Valena Young chicken Da Silva Summary: The Brazilian Language of Signals is a natural language, for allowing the expression of the human being. Another one is a language as any, therefore it possesss necessary mechanisms to if to make to understand, it constitutes proper signals of the community of our country and follows principle of the verbal languages the same. They absorb the cultural aspects of the users, also the regionalismos, the typical expressions, the slangs. Pounds are the basic axle so that the deaf person learns the official language of its country and all the other gifts in classroom. Word-Key: Deaf Bilingismo Pounds *1- Jarleide Almeida Feitosa.
Graduated Letters/Portuguese in the Tiradentes University and after-graduanda in Pounds in the Serigy College. *2 – Emiliana Nunes Da Silva? Graduated Letters/Portuguese-Spaniard in the Tiradentes University and after-graduanda in Pounds in the Serigy College? *3-Paula Valena Young chicken Da Silva? Graduated Letters Portuguese-English for the College of Formation of Professors of Penedo and after graduanda in Pounds in the Serigy College? paulavpinto@ Introduction: Pounds are the first natural language developed between deaf people and Brazilian dumbs, and are from it that it will leave for the study of the official language of its country. Pounds another one is a language as any, therefore a fonolgica structure possesss all, characterized through the configurations of hands, location and movement, morphologic and syntactic. It differs itself from the verbal languages only for using auditory appearance-space and not verbal canal. From there the necessity to include the Brazilian language of signals in educational the curricular structure. Knowing itself that the school is an environment of integration and socialization of knowing, it does not have as if to admit the preconception, the exclusion and the descriminao, then when we speak in including the pupil deaf person in regular education, is necessary to prepare the agents of education, so that the inclusion attempt if does not become an exclusion.