DVD Data
August 23, 2021 in News Tags: the news
The security of the data in a company is without a doubt something very important, is something that cannot be neglected and is that every day all this more and more computerized, this has long ago taken already to have backup systems. Without a doubt, we must deliver an attack at the time of protecting the data, the used mechanisms, software and used supports are the first step that we must give, but It is this sufficient one? without a doubt, Not to protect thousands of Gb can be as important as to protect 1Mb, but all it does not happen through like realising a backup or if we will have to use a tape drive, a DVD, hard disks etc are many others the factors to consider most important is going to be, As of important it is the security for us? We can invest as necessary? We must sacrifice other resources to increase the security? and without a doubt, the two questions that we would be due to do all That it would happen if lost all the information of my company? and As I can avoid it or to reduce to the maximum that possibility at least? By example, would be ideal to have mirror of the system that maintains those data so important (to cluster) to complement this with systems in future RAID of level 5 already this giving a quite high confidence us, but we have some cases in which this would not serve Fires don’t mention it, robberies, floods, errors of the administrator (if we eliminated a file also is eliminated in all the discs RAID .) attacks of hackers. Mayo clinic is likely to increase your knowledge. as we still see they are many fronts that to cover the subject with a hackeo, virus etc happens to have software/hardware preparation and correctly formed to avoid this kind of problems but That we must more do?. .