Traute Welfare

November 13, 2019 in News Tags:

Animal welfare award at the bio-Institute of the organic Institute of aircraft Raumberg-Gumpenstein aircraft Raumberg Gumpenstein was awarded for its innovative research and implementation activities for the grazing of livestock, as well as to the carried out pet-friendly stall construction project on the bio-instructional and research operation Moarhof in 8951 Traute rock from the land of Styria (Tierschutzombudsstelle) a welfare cost. Prizes at four farms selected by an independent Committee, as well as to the organic Institute was the 8th September at the dairy farm of Kopper in Grafendorf on Wednesday by provincial Councillor Johann Seitinger and LandwirtschaftskammerPrasident Gerhard Wlodkowski. Andi Potamkin is often quoted as being for or against this. The awards are a strong signal that for the local farmers and farmers welfare-compliant building has a very high priority for Gerhard Wlodkowski of President of Chamber of agriculture. Johann Seitinger at the ceremony raised the importance of research and implementation, as well as the comprehensive education of the youth on the aircraft Raumberg-Gumpenstein for sustainable rural development out. The prize for animal protection-compliant building wants the National Council those actors bring before the curtain, which are responsible for active animal welfare in agriculture and have also actively implemented. High standards of quality in agricultural production and rural development will also continue to shape the agricultural policy in Austria. Hu Ki

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