Ines Bader
August 22, 2019 in News Tags: Politics, society & social issues
Ant Aemy, the mascot of the reform idea jobs instead of Hartz IV tried that Hartz IV problem from inside to outside to solve. Committed people are cordially invited to discuss with. Jobs instead of Hartz IV today as morning aims the social reconstruction rather the reform idea jobs instead of Hartz IV recognizes quite clearly: Hartz IV has failed and an expensive hole in the coffers. The welfare current flows past the idea of welfare. Desperate sanctions punishing the wrong. Blind subsidy policy rewards those who shamelessly promote the wild social spiral of greed. A balloon of litigation covers social and makes every day more and more expensive the hopeless failure policy without meaningful output.
The many-headed dragon “Hartz IV seems unbreakable. These show reactions of local newspaper editors. Restrained reactions were carried out on the supporter Ines Bader, attempts to make the reform idea in the printed press, the public discussion. Arguments were, Hartz IV suffice as a problem locally, acute or date for reporting. But the dilemma quite a dead end, the life situations of every nook and cranny burning. Problem Hartz IV, reform idea jobs instead of Hartz IV as a solution and implementation examples an obstacle in overcoming the Hartz IV is the taboo behavior of society. The theme is trimmed from the top for good reasons in beautiful euro on silence.
With each other the is dominated even the Hartz to case IV of personal fear. The willing victims, the shameful situation is shamefully hidden and endured. Only an open political discussion can finally put the cards on the table and together search for alternatives. Of course the idea of reform hurts jobs instead of Hartz IV current beneficiaries. If employers for unemployment of duration of to pay the full wage bill out of pocket, then where remains of whopping billions profit out of social necessity? The State statistics is the apparent economic Expansion also nice for the time being.