Deferred Payment

June 14, 2021 in News Tags:

There an old worker, 60 years lives, works in a service any 8 hours per day are its horria load! It does not have the such of the Ticket feeding, and it does not have valley has carried! Its wage? One! Minimum? today this represents 600 Reals. It arrived behind? The master xinga! This indisposto? Bad luck of ' ' velho' ' , you receiving; it works! If it has family, little matters Deferred payment far from the service? BAD LUCK YOURS! It has what to eat? What to dress? It obtains to work? The wage of the one for the month? This is the world of the wage-earning workers for Brazil measures different what we could call another world: Its work? It is a little difficult, works 3 times per week. Pra to say the truth, nor work this I can call. Credit: Time Warner-2011. It frequents the Chamber to say that it was there, he is master of itself exactly, he is elect for the People who still believes that honest politicians exist. This there for the money, therefore what it earns in one Month, never will gain outside daqui Aerial tickets for it and its family, aid housing, aid have carried, valley feeding, telephone that it can use how much to want, and also not forgetting them employee staffs who it can contract they have a reasonable wage, which had tried to increase, but had also not obtained, were thus low same. 21 a thousand MONTHLY Reals.

These bonifications, and wages are official of the government This, is the reality politics of Brazil, this reality politics is paid with the taxes of that old and poor worker, who in an arduous work and weighed, paid its taxes in day, and automatically, board the life of luxury of the legislators, who always want more do not have some wrong thing? still our legislators has the courage to say: ' ' I must have a wage more something, I have direito.' ' That right? He is this speaking suddenly of the beginning of the Dignity human being? Really, who gains 21 a thousand Reals and all these bonifications are with its wounded rights. If this finds that he is not being guaranteed its rights, that right this old wage-earning worker will have, with a small wage of 600 Reals, to practically give its life for the work to gain this wage? Wage of the Worker: A minimum. (without ticket, assessors, bond nothing) = 600,00 federal Legislator: 21 a thousand + ticket, card, telephone, employees. totalizing: R$ 171,000, 00 (ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY AND ONE A THOUSAND REALS) for month (for each one)

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