The Keys To Networking
March 11, 2024 in News
One of the many definitions of networking is the Act or process of sharing information or resources, especially among professional groups. Networking is a reciprocal process, mutual aid, which consists in the exchange of ideas, suggestions, information, etc. All have their own contact networks. These networks are formed by the set of all persons who we know long life, shared experiences, mutual friends, mutual interests, etc. When we are in search of a new professional project we must have a positive attitude and active when it comes to relationships and having conversations with other people.
Anyone can potentially take us to our new project or submit a job offer, and you have to be alert to properly manage the information that we offer and ask. Some of the most important to follow guidelines are: 1. performs your list or map of network of contacts. Segmented the list in areas, for example, friends, family, co-workers of studies, acquaintances, colleagues of work, former colleagues from work, suppliers, customers, etc. 2. Prepare your presentation message to every career goal and every interlocutor. If you would like to know more then you should visit Celina Dubin. Remember that it is easier to get information that one of the selection interview, and it is also easier to arrange an appointment with the sales or marketing than with human resources department. 3 It defines very well the companies or sectors of activity for each career goal.
4 Identify persons who can give us information to our professional goal, with lists of contacts well clear and defined. 5 Well prepares the information interview, then we fill a small tab contact and summary of the meeting. The name, contact details (email, mobile or landline), relationship or link, and area to which it belongs is the most important information, along with the result or suggestions. In addition, always keep updated and prepared your CV. 6. We must remember that there is no risk of rejection, since it is not a selection process. Our goal is to better understand our interlocutor, share information and find meeting points, common people or suggestions for possible contacts. 7. The successful networking is a philosophy of sharing information, transparency, help and be helped at the same time, is an example of a situation in which everybody wins. Therefore the attitude of honesty and openness is key. 8. The follow-up is very important. Remains in contact with your network professional via email or telephone to explain simply how will us, progress and if we need any additional help. Everybody wins when we open in a process that allows you to connect people and resources. Establishing a network of contacts requires dedication, time, effort and energy. It is important to remember that what is important is not what people you know personally, but what people you know to you. So, what are you waiting for designing your networking campaign? Original author and source of the article