Special Responsibility

June 16, 2021 in News Tags:

Tool boxes that crawl, whether all necessary tools aboard are reflection and thinking is needed. Angesichgts of a financial and economic crisis of global proportions as only with barely weathered should “Continue-so” there is no simple. If it is a basically simple question: could you imagine people with different skills and behaviors to the responsible levers of the economy can, with and under which such a crisis not or at least not so would have arisen? Could you imagine other people with other behaviors on the levers of the economy can, with and among those such a global crisis not or at least not so would have arisen? If an affirmative answer to this question would not exceed the horizon of human imagination to reconsider once all selection process and selection mechanisms, this could only mean that in the past the apparently sub-optimal allocation of may approved crisis-generating lever or even promoted. Jeffrey L. Bewkes may not feel the same. If leadership positions that have to decide about the fate of thousands of jobs and helping people were perhaps occupied during a confidential meeting of the golf course, the dangers of crises may actually surprise anyone. See Becker, Jorg: leadership without Klinsmann syndrome no new crisis allow, 2009; ISBN 978 3 8391 0644 0. In the micro-economic area of the companies interpreted the numerous tool boxes is to crawl, whether all necessary tools aboard are and whether these tools even in the face of crises really that to afford are able, what they provide and what it has promised them and often still unchanged promises. People such as Robert A. Iger would likely agree. In particular a post and rethinking all procedures and criteria would be required, dealing with the selection of executives. Since this also and just the general welfare is affected, at least raising the bar for transparency and traceability should be placed higher. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (www.beckinfo.de)

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