Mexico Country

November 14, 2017 in News Tags: , , , ,

Helping Mexico, we helped ourselves same. An example of how we can surpass the serious present crisis imitating to the Koreans in the crisis of the Asian countries. Its plan of action was the one to consume the majority of products with Korean elaboration, this is to consume products done in Korea. This is a good example than we could make to help our country, Mexico. Thanks to the fact that the Koreans applied this technique to consume solely Korean products, they could surpass the crisis that suffered and its complete development and became conceited in its economy. Where it has been the feeling to help our compatriots? , Why to leave and to give preference to the foreigner who puts his factory and that its unique interest is the one to increase its capital and no our country? To buy products done in Mexico would help a series of things such as to reactivate the economy of the country, to operate the national raw material, to create new jobs for the society, to diminish the indices of unemployment and poverty that in the long run they will be caused that helped the development of the country. The great majority of the people considers that the products done in Mexico are chafas or of doubtful origin, that is to say that they are of bad quality. To another majority it only concerns the mark to him, if it is good, bad, fine, without realizing that many of the products the unique thing that they change is the name but it quality or the way not to make the product, the unique thing that is receiving to them of but to these people it is the prestige of the mark. To surpass this process of recession by which we are crossing, is task of all. To contribute to the society being given him support to our country is responsibility of that we lived in, to consume products done in Mexico is something benefits that us to all.

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