Latin American Governments

October 23, 2018 in News

In addition, based on the work done to date by the promoter ARV group will seek demonstrate that there are alternatives to the current development model, that other region better is possible without being necessary transformations that lead to the loss of identity, values and customs or negative impacts on environmental or social space. To do so, should relieve the rich and varied experiences and cultural and productive initiatives that today – isolated or very personal – are part of a collective and historical construction capable of supporting the necessary paradigm shift. Finally, it will contemplate the presentation of regional groups who have composed melodies to Patagonia and the Aysen Region in particular, in the conviction that the other Aysen we desire, beautiful, best, is possible Miriam Chible explained. AN ANTHROPOLOGIST with trajectory John Durston has a PhD in Anthropology (PhD) from the London School of Economics and Political Science, being his areas of expertise analysis and evaluation of policies, projects and programmes to enhance social capital, and social and cultural aspects of rural development, indigenous peoples and the strengthening of weak civil society actors. He worked for 30 years in the United Nations, most of them in the ECLAC. He is the author of numerous articles and books on the above topics, and has provided technical assistance in social development to several Governments in Latin America. For several years she lives in Chile, is now an independent researcher, consultant and evaluator of social programs in Latin American Governments, foundations and international agencies. Some of their latest investigations are social movements of rural poor and its contributions to the democratization, local and ethnic movement in Villarrica, three social challenges for the peasant regional associativity of owners of native forest in the Araucania, power Social capital, cronyism and the role of international agencies in rural local spaces of concertation, among others..

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