Chinese Prime Minister

January 15, 2019 in News Tags: ,

New opportunities for German buyers – now is the right time for new negotiations China now also escapes not the economic crisis is the right time to reorient your purchasing strategies in China, because every crisis is also a new opportunity. The annual double-digit growth rates in China are now history. John Stankey often expresses his thoughts on the topic. For the first time in five years, the economic growth below 10% remains. The chin. Government expects a growth of 9.5% for the first half of 2009. The World Bank expects only even with a growth of 7.5%. China promptly responded with a massive programme of infrastructure and investment incentives.

Including the wage costs have risen after the introduction of the new occupational safety and health laws to 01.01.2008. Last year, mainly the army of millions of migrant workers benefited from comprehensive new occupational safety and health provisions and social regulations. Regardless of increasing costs for environmental protection on the companies are added. China will lose its competitiveness thereby increasing the Chinese Prime Minister said recently Hu Jintao. Already more than 50,000 jobs, mainly in the shoe industry, be lost alone in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen (Pearl River Delta). China is newly focused from quantity to quality. Now the Chinese realize increasingly that European customers increasingly pay attention on quality and also insist.

The long noses\”, like the Chinese the Europeans call, now have the chance to stop the price spiral upwards and to bring in the reverse direction. Now apply the cost reduction potential use for the buyers. The huge factories are no longer fully utilized now, depending on the industry and commodity prices are partly in case of deep. The shopping has it in hand, to take advantage of the opportunities and the new market situation and to realize cost reductions amounting to no longer accustomed ten to 15 percent after years of price inflation in the short term.

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